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Study on the estimation of the Cost of Disruption of Gas Supply (CoDG) in Europe

ACER commissioned this study to KANTOR MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS (KMC) and Economic Consulting Associates (ECA). The study is accompanied by a “CoDG calculator” implemented in spreadsheet format and based on the methodology for monetising the CoDG as described in the study.

The information and the views set out in this study and provided by the accompanying calculator are those of the authors and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating ACER’s official position, opinion, or recommendation.
ACER does not guarantee the accuracy of the data and the statements contained in the study, the calculator and the output of the calculations, and neither ACER nor any person acting on ACER’s behalf shall be held responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by this the study or the calculator, or of the information contained therein.

The study, the “CoDG calculator”, and the accompanying cover note

The study, which aims at improving the existing methodology regarding the monetisation of the benefits of enhanced security of gas supply via assessing the CoDG, is intended to provide :

a) input to ENTSOG in  further quantifying the monetary impact of a disruption in the context of the application of the Cost-Benefit Analysis methodology and in the 10-Year Network Development Plan.

b) insights to NRAs and ACER, if involved, as to the calculation of compensation costs in the context of the solidarity mechanism according to the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2018/177.

The cover note of the study is available here, the study is available here, and the “CoDG calculator” accompanying the study is available here.