
ACER calls for improvements in the Network Code on Operational Planning and Scheduling

On 19 June 2013, ACER adopted its opinion on the Network Code on Operational Planning and Scheduling. In the document ACER commends ENTSO-E for the effort in preparing the Network Code, which mostly complies with the criteria and requirements defined in the Framework Guidelines on Electricity System Operation.  ACER also notes that the timely adoption of this Network Code is important for the security of supply, as well as the completion and well-functioning of the internal market in electricity and cross-border trade, including the delivery of benefits to customers and the facilitation of the EU’s targets for the penetration of renewable energy sources. However, in its opinion ACER also highlights a few areas where improvement is needed before it can be satisfied that the Network Code is fully in line with the Framework Guidelines and can be recommended for adoption to the European Commission. The main areas of concern are the national scrutiny, transparency, compatibility and coherence with the other network codes developed pursuant to Articles 6 and 8(6) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009, performance indicators as well as the scope and application of the Network Code. ACER considers that these areas can be addressed within a reasonable period, through targeted amendments to the Network Code, by improving the drafting of the Network Code provisions or, where relevant, amending the supporting document. To this end, the Agency is fully committed to support ENTSO-E in this process.   Annexes to the opinion: