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The 19 December 1996 Directive on common rules for the internal market in electricity, marked the beginning of the formal process of market integration for electricity at EU level.  The 3rd Energy Package and the conclusions of the European Council on 4 February 2011 gave the process new tools and a new boost.

While significant progress has already been made towards establishing the Internal Electricity Market there are still numerous obstacles to overcome before achieving a truly integrated market for electricity in the EU: the adoption and full implementation of the Network Codes developed since 2011, the efficient and secure integration of intermittent generation linked to renewables, and the implementation of a stable regulatory framework for the development of new trans-European network infrastructures. 

The ACER Electricity Department is divided into four key areas of work, all aiming to support the market integration process:            

  • Framework Guidelines and Network Codes            
  • Electricity Regional initiatives           
  • Infrastructure and Network Development
  • Market Monitoring         

Counting on the sustained effort of NRAs and the continuous support of all stakeholders, the ACER Electricity Department is determined to meet all the challenges associated with creating a well-functioning, competitive, secure and sustainable European electricity market, delivering tangible benefits to European consumers.​​​​​​           
