PC_2015_G_04 - Public Consultation on the methodology for implementation monitoring and evaluation of the impact of the gas Network Codes and Guidelines on the internal gas market
From 12 June 2015 to 10 July 2015 the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (‘ACER’, ‘the Agency’) is running a public consultation on the methodology for implementation monitoring and evaluation of the impact of the gas Network Codes and Guidelines on the internal gas market.
Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 lays down rules for the Agency to monitor and analyse the implementation of the Network Codes and the Guidelines adopted by the European Commission. Under the article the Agency is responsible for assessing the effects of the codes in facilitating market integration, as well as on non-discrimination, effective competition and the efficient functioning of the market.
Based on Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 713/2009 the Agency presents for public consultation the consultancy study from Cambridge Economic Policy Associates, commissioned by the Agency, which proposes a methodology to be used for implementation monitoring and evaluation of the impact of the gas Network Codes and Guidelines on the internal gas market
In order to test and improve the outcome of the study the Agency invites stakeholders to share their views on this work, in particular on the proposed indicators. Well-founded comments which will lead to improvements of the report outcome, in particular the proposed indicators, will be taken into account by CEPA in its final compilation of the study.
Please send your comments and replies, by 10 July 2015, Close of Business.
The stakeholder responses will be published on the Agency’s website, unless a justified claim for confidentiality is made for specific answers. For any further questions relating to this consultation please contact us at gas.monitoring(at)acer.europa.eu.
Background information
Cambridge Economic Policy Associates (‘CEPA’) submitted the Final Report to the Agency in relation to Contract No. ACER/OP/DIR/08/2013/LOT 2/SC06 for a study on monitoring and evaluating the impacts of gas Network Codes and Guidelines on the internal market, based on a service contract signed on 17 December 2014.
Consultation documents
- Provide your response through the EU survey tool using the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/PC2015G-impact_of_gas_network_codes .