Stakeholders' Involvement in the Implementation of the Market Rules
Stakeholders' Involvement in the Implementation of the Market Rules
Close cooperation across different stages

Stakeholders are engaged across the various stages of the development and implementation of the market rules:
Development and amendments of Regulations
The Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM), Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA) and the Electricity Balancing (EB) Regulations have been developed in close cooperation with ACER, ENTSO-E and other stakeholders, in order to adopt effective, balanced and proportionate rules in a transparent and participative manner.
ACER always consults stakeholders before proposing amendments to the European Commission.
Development and amendment of terms and conditions or methodologies
Proposals by Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) for the terms and conditions or methodologies are publicly consulted upon, where relevant, before submitting for regulatory approval. The TSOs or NEMOs performing the consultation should duly consider the views of stakeholders. In any case, a clear and robust justification for including or not the stakeholders’ inputs needs to be developed and published in a timely manner before or simultaneously with the publication of the respective proposal.
Implementation of market codes
Market European Stakeholder Committee (MESC): the Market European Stakeholder Committee has been established by ACER and ENTSO-E to facilitate stakeholders’ involvement and general discussion about the implementation of the market codes. The Committee holds regular meetings to identify problems and propose improvements, particularly related to the integration of the electricity balancing market.
Find out more about the Market European Stakeholder Committee.
Electricity Balancing Stakeholder Group (EBSG)
The Electricity Balancing Stakeholder Group (EBSG), has been jointly established by ACER and ENTSO-E as a sub-group of the MESC in order to organise specific stakeholder involvement on the implementation of the EB Regulation. The Committee meets regularly to identify issues and propose improvements related to the integrated electricity balancing markets.
Find out more about the Electricity Balancing Stakeholder Group.