ACER releases its Opinion on the National Resource Adequacy Assessment of Poland. This is the second ACER Opinion on a National Resource Adequacy Assessment (NRAA).
On 16 August 2024, the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) of the Netherlands asked ACER to decide on how to address the insufficient risk hedging opportunities at the bidding zone border between the Netherlands and Norway (NL-NO2).
CoRDiS has imposed an €8 million fine on Danske Commodities A/S and a €4 million fine on Equinor ASA for manipulating annual capacity auctions at the virtual interconnection point between France and Spain in 2019 and 2020.
ACER releases its report on the Romanian gas transmission tariffs directed at the Autoritatea Naţională de Reglementare în domeniul Energiei (ANRE), the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) of Romania.
The EU’s Regulation on hydrogen and decarbonised gas market requires ACER to issue a recommendation on the methodologies for setting the inter-temporal cost allocation. To inform the drafting of its recommendation, ACER will run a public consultation.
ACER releases its Opinion on the National Resource Adequacy Assessment of Poland. This is the second ACER Opinion on a National Resource Adequacy Assessment (NRAA).
ACER has updated its data dashboard, which tracks monthly changes in household energy prices across EU Member States and Norway from January 2019 to December 2024.