Forward calculation of capacities between bidding zones
Development of methodolgies related to long-term capacity calculation

Generation and load data provision (GLDP)
What is it about?
The generation and load data provision methodology sets out the requirements for the delivery of generation and load data required to establish an EU-wide common grid model to facilitate the coordination and harmonisation of capacity calculation and allocation in the long-term timeframe. The methodology takes into account and complements the generation and load data provision methodology according to Article 16 of the CACM Regulation.
Legal basis: Article 17 of the FCA Regulation
Responsibility: all Transmission System Operators (TSOs)
Current status: The generation and load data provision methodology was approved by all regulatory authorities in March 2018
Implementation: The methodology is implemented.
Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.
Common grid model (CGM)
What is it about?
The long-term time frames provides the best forecast of perspective network states (“scenarios”) used for the forward capacity calculation.
The methodology follows the respective methodology for day-ahead and intraday pursuant to the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) Regulation. It provides rules and procedures for developing and merging the individual models, including the parameters of network elements, generation and load pattern, net positions of modelled areas and network topology. Since the long-term common grid model needs to simulate different forward time frames (e.g. year-ahead, month-ahead), it allows the definition of multiple sets of scenarios (such as season, peak/valley market time unit).
Legal basis: Article 18 of the FCA Regulation
Responsibility: all TSOs
Current status: The Common Grid Model (CGM) methodology for long-term time frames was approved by all regulatory authorities in May 2017
Implementation: The implementation deadline foresees an operational and available CGM for the long-term time frames by June 2018. However, its implementation is still ongoing.
Read more on the latest approved CGM methodology for long-term time frames.
Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.
Capacity calculation methodology
What is it about?
The long term capacity calculation methodology (LT CCM) describes the rules of each capacity calculation region on how to calculate the amount of capacity available for trading between bidding zones at long-term time frames. The methodology is also used to calculate the amount of capacity that complies with network security standards.
The calculation process
TSOs of each capacity calculation region define capacity calculation inputs, such as the long-term scenarios and corresponding common grid models
Inputs are used by regional coordination centers to calculate the available amount of cross-zonal capacities either by using the flow-based or coordinated Net Transmission Capacity (NTC) approach, depending on the respective region.
The final cross-zonal capacities are then made available for allocation, enabling transmission among bidding zones.
This methodology shall be fully compatible with the capacity calculation methodology for the day-ahead and intraday time frames.
Legal basis: Article 10 of the FCA Regulation
Responsibility: all TSOs in each capacity calculation region
Current status: The methodology was approved for most capacity calculation regions. The LT CCM for some regions are currently under approval or still need to be submitted.
Implementation: Different regions have different implementation timelines. The implementation of LT CCM for all regions is expected by the end of 2025.
Read more on the latest approved LT CCMs of the respective capacity calculation region.
Documentation on the approval processes for each capacity calculation region’s LT CCMs.
Methodology for splitting cross-zonal capacity
What is about?
This methodology defines how to split the calculated long-term cross-zonal capacity among the different long-term time frames for allocation. The long-term cross-zonal capacity needs to be allocated at least to annual and monthly time frames and should be split to meet the hedging needs of market participants.
Legal basis: Article 16(1) of the FCA Regulation
Responsibility: all TSOs in each capacity calculation region
Current status: The methodology was approved in all capacity calculation regions. Some capacity calculation regions also approved amendments.
Implementation: The implementation is connected with the implementation of the capacity calculation methodology within their respective capacity calculation region (Article 10). Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some others are expected to do so by 2025.
Documentation on the approval processes of this methodology for each capacity calculation region.