Network Development Plans

ACER contributes to efficient and consistent gas network development plans by monitoring the development and implementation of the European-wide TYNDP. ACER also reviews the consistency and complementarity of national, regional and European network development plans.
Additionally, the Agency monitors the implementation of the projects of common interest, which are a subset of the projects listed in the TYNDPs, as well as the gas regional investment plans (GRIPs).
What is the TYNDP and why is it important?
Every two years, ENTSOG publishes a non-binding Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP), which looks forward over a ten-year horizon and includes a European supply adequacy outlook. These periodically updated plans are essential for identifying the need of new infrastructure projects to ensure an adequate level of security of gas supply. The TYNDP must be consistent with the National Development Plans (NDPs).
The Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) are selected from the most recent TYNDP via a separate process led by the European Commission. The TYNDP should provide essential and comprehensive information for the selection of PCIs, particularly a complete, monetised, and trustable cost-benefit analysis results.
What is the role of ACER?
ACER is mandated to monitor the development and execution of ENTSOG's Plan. As a result, ACER issues an opinion on the draft TYNDP taking into account the objectives of non-discrimination, effective competition, and the efficient and secure functioning of the internal gas market.
What are ACER's recommendations for improving future gas TYNDPs?
In July 2024, ACER published its feedback on ENTSOG’s “Implementation Guidelines and other complementary guidance documents” for the 2024 TYNDP, recommending further improvements (see our communication).
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Consistency of gas and hydrogen network developments
ACER periodically reviews the national network development plans to assess their consistency with the EU TYNDP. As a result, ACER issues Opinions including recommendations for improving the consistency between future network developments plans.
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Gas Regional Investment Plans (GRIPs)
Transmission system operators (TSOs) establish regional cooperation within ENTSOG and publish a Gas Regional Investment Plan (GRIP) every two years. Based on this plan, TSOs can take investment decisions. ACER monitors the level of regional cooperation of TSOs within the GRIPs, and takes account of the outcome when formulating its views.