Common Network Operation Tools
Common Network Operation Tools
What are the CNOTS?

Appropriate and secure data exchange facilitates cross-border transmission activities. Common data exchange solutions support the implementation of the gas network codes.
The common network operation tools (CNOTs) ensure coordination of network operations in normal and emergency conditions. These tools are developed to facilitate data exchange for capacity allocation and balancing.
Common Network Operation Tools
What is their use?
The data exchange table lists the most appropriate data exchange solutions for near real-time communication, the integrated data exchange for real-time communication, and the interactive data exchange for non-time critical communication of TSOs and Booking Platforms.
Common Network Operation Tools
What does ACER say?
ACER found ENTSOG's CNOT table compliant with the legislation and recommended ENTSOG a periodical review, as technical processes and needs evolve. In 2017, the Agency opinion on the Adoption of Common Network Operation Tools by ENTSOG was adopted.