Infrastructure reference costs
Infrastructure reference costs
A key role for network development

When developing new networks, setting up an appropriate and transparent cost estimation is essential. Using reference values of specific costs can facilitate many processes, increase their credibility, and enable reliable comparisons at European level.
Under the TEN-E Regulation (Article 11(9)), ACER is required to establish and publish a set of indicators and corresponding reference values every three years for the comparison of unit investment costs (UICs) for comparable projects of the energy infrastructure categories listed in Annex II.
ACER published the first set of UIC indicators for the categories outlined in points (1), (2), and (3) of Annex II in April 2023. These indicators and their reference values can be used for various planning and evaluation processes, including:
- supporting the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and Gas (ENTSOG) in the cost-benefit analyses carried out for their Union-wide ten-year network development plans (TYNDPs);
- assessing and selecting projects of common and mutual interest (PCIs/PMIs);
- informing cross-border cost allocation (CBCA) decisions.
UICs indicators were specifically established for the electricity infrastructure category and related assets, based on data provided by project promoters. The indicators provide values for the average, median, first and third quartiles of UICs.
Would you like to know more?
Take a look at our report on European energy infrastructure UICs and watch the recording of our workshop on the topic.
Infrastructure reference costs
What are the next steps?
According to revised TEN-E Regulation, ACER is required to publish the first UIC indicators for energy infrastructure categories related to large electrolyser facilities and carbon dioxide by 24 April 2025. However, since no relevant projects have been commissioned under these categories in recent years, there is currently insufficient data to establish robust indicators by this deadline.
For this reason, ACER has decided to delay data collection until relevant projects are commissioned. In the meantime, ACER will:
- continue to closely monitor developments in these project categories;
- begin the next UIC data collection cycle at the end of 2025. If suitable projects are available by that time, ACER will publish the corresponding indicators and reference values by April 2026.