Redispatching and countertrading
Development of methodologies related to redispatching and countertrading

Coordination of redispatching and countertrading
What is it about?
The methodology describes how TSOs and regional coordination centres of capacity calculation regions manage network congestions at the day-ahead and intraday level. This is done with regionally coordinated application of costly remedial actions, in the so-called ROSC (Regional Operational Security Coordination) process.
This coordination process involves the remedial actions optimisation and coordination in a single day-ahead and multiple intraday operational security assessment rounds (CROSA).
The methodology is closely related with the Regional Operation Security Coordination (ROSC) methodology (Article 76 of the Guideline on Electricity Transmission System Operation).
Legal basis: Article 35 of the CACM Regulation
Responsibility: all Transmission System Operators (TSOs) in each capacity calculation region
Current status: The methodology was approved in all capacity calculation regions.
Implementation: The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions and expected to be fully implemented by the end of 2024.
Cost sharing for coordinated redispatching and countertrading
What is it about?
The methodology establishes the rules TSOs need to follow to determine the different categories of flows (loop, internal, phase shifting transformers, allocated flows) which created network congestions for each capacity calculation region and how the respective costs are shared among TSOs.
The process
Once resolved in the Regional Operation Security Coordination (ROSC) process by engaging the remedial actions, the polluting flows are mapped accordingly.
The costs of engaging the costly remedial actions are appointed to the specific TSOs which create the polluting flows.
Legal basis: Article 74 of the CACM Regulation
Responsibility: all TSOs in each capacity calculation region
Current status: The methodology was approved in all capacity calculation regions except of Italy North.
Implementation: The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions along with the redispatching and countertrading methodology. The implementation in all regions is expected by the end of 2024.