Capacity Calculation

Development of methodologies related to day-ahead and intraday capacity calculation

​​​​​​Definition of capacity calculation regions

What is it about?

This methodology groups all the bidding zone borders of the EU's internal energy market into the different capacity calculation regions (CCRs). This is relevant for the functioning of the internal energy market, as it simplifies processes by forming such regional sub-groups. The approach needs to consider for which bidding zone borders the need of coordination is the highest (e.g. taking into account the interdependencies) and where it is most efficient to apply cross regional coordination. Different regional methodologies (such as capacity calculation, redispatching and countertrading) will be applied on the various capacity calculation regions.

Legal basis: Article 15(1) of the CACM Regulation

Responsibility: all Transmission System Operators (TSOs)

Current status: The determination of capacity calculation regions was approved by ACER in March 2024

Implementation: The determination of capacity calculation regions is implemented. A future assessment is foreseen to assess the efficiency of the current CCR determination based on information from newly implemented regional methodologies.

Read more on the latest approved determination of capacity calculation regions.

Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.

Check out ENTSO-E’s interactive map of capacity calculation regions


Generation and load data provision

What is it about?

The generation and load data provision  methodology sets out requirements related to the delivery of the generation and load data needed to establish the common grid model. It specifies what units and which information need to be submitted to their respective TSOs, as well as their deadlines. 

Legal basis: Article 16 of the CACM Regulation

Responsibility: all TSOs

 Current status: The generation and load data provision methodology was approved by all regulatory authorities in July 2017.

Implementation: The methodology is implemented.

Read more on the latest approved generation and load data provision methodology.

Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.


Common grid model

What is it about?

The common grid model (created by merging all individual grid models of TSOs) provides the best forecast of perspective network states in the relevant market time units used for the day-ahead and intraday capacity calculation.

The methodology defines the rules and procedures for developing and merging the models, including the relevant parameters of network elements, generation and load patterns, net positions of modelled areas and network topology.

Legal basis: Article 17 of the CACM Regulation

Responsibility: all TSOs

Current status: The methodology was approved by all regulatory authorities in May 2017.

Implementation: The implementation deadline foresees the common grid model to become perational and available for the day-ahead and intraday time frames by June 2018. However, implementation is still ongoing.

Read more on the latest approved common grid model methodology for the day-ahead and intraday time frames.

Documentation on the approval process of this methodology.


Capacity calculation methodology

What is it about?

The day-ahead and intraday capacity calculation methodology describes the rules of each capacity calculation region on how to calculate the amount of capacity  available for trading between bidding zones at day-ahead and intraday market time frames. The methodology also complies with the network security standards.

The process

  • TSOs define capacity calculation inputs, such as hourly common grid models.

  • The inputs  are used by regional coordination centres to calculate the available amount of cross-zonal capacities either by using a flow-based or coordinated Net Transmission Capacity (NTC)  approach, depending on the respective region.

  • The final cross-zonal capacities are then made available to the market coupling were they are allocated, enabling trading among bidding zones.

Legal basis: Article 20 of the CACM Regulation

Responsibility: all TSOs in each capacity calculation region

Current status: The methodology was approved in all regions. Some regions also approved amendments, or they are currently under approval.

Implementation: Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so by the end of 2022.

Read more on the latest approved capacity calculation methodologies of the respective capacity calculation region.

Documentation on the approval processes of the capacity calculation methodologies of each capacity calculation region.