Events & Engagement

Events & Engagement

Building trust and confidence

Events, Engagement, inputs

ACER’s regulatory policies and decisions affect a wide range of businesses and organisations.

The ACER communication policy sets out why the Agency communicates, the general principles that guide our communication, our overarching approach to stakeholder engagement, and roles and responsibilities and who does what.

While our principles are grounded in our Communication Policy, our communication strategy is revised every three years. See the 2024-2026 Communication Strategy.

Engaging with those affected by our work is good for our decision-making and for trust and confidence in the regulatory regime.

Our engagement approach depends on the issue or decision being considered, and what we are trying to achieve. It ranges from providing information to you (see our documents) to seeking input from you to help inform our work. This takes different formats e.g. meetings, workshops/webinars, expert groups and formal consultations.

To facilitate stakeholder contributions, we:

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