Monitoring of investments implementation
Monitoring of investments implementation
Monitoring a timely implementation

The timely implementation of the necessary electricity transmission infrastructure in Europe is crucial for an efficient EU energy market and to facilitate the integration of increased renewable power generation in view of the decarbonisation objectives.
The projects' progress may defer from what was previously planned for various reasons. It is important to differentiate between delayed and rescheduled investments:
A delayed investment means that it is still needed at the expected date, but it cannot be delivered on time because of external factors (e.g. environmental, permit granting or legislative reasons) or
A rescheduled investment is voluntarily postponed by a project promoter due to changes of its external driver (e.g. lower demand, less urgent need or priority to other transmission solutions).
Monitoring of investments implementation
What's the role of ACER?
ACER is responsible for monitoring the implementation of investments to create new interconnection capacity as well as the Ten Years Network Development Plans' (TYNDP) progress.
If any inconsistency is found, ACER makes recommendations to the transmission system operators, national regulatory authorities or any other competent bodies concerned. The ACER monitoring of the implementation of investments in electricity transmission networks evaluates the following fundamental aspects: expected benefits, costs, increase of transfer capacity, and the status and time-progress of each investment.
Monitoring of investments implementation
What does ACER say?
ACER found that several TYNDP investments encounters delays over time, most frequently due to permit granting reasons and even more have been rescheduled by the promoter. ACER also finds that a number of interconnectors have different investment status across the border, which could point to limited cross-border coordination among the parties.