Requirements for Generators
The RfG Regulation
The network code on the requirements for generators (RfG Regulation) establishes a set of harmonised rules for generators to connect to the grid, namely synchronous power-generating modules, power park modules and offshore power park modules. The RfG Regulation entered into force on 17 May 2016.

The core elements
The RfG Regulation provides that:
The connection standards apply to new power-generating modules, such as a unit or ensemble of units generating electricity connected to the network or through power electronics; as well as to pump-storage power-generating modules if they fulfil all the relevant requirements. However, some provisions do not apply to facilities' power-generating modules for combined heat and power production embedded in the networks of industrial sites (unless otherwise stated in the national framework).
The connection of a power-generating module can be refused if it does not comply with the Regulation, and if it is not covered by a derogation.
The connection requirements does not apply to existing power-generating modules.
The requirements do not apply to the power-generating modules classified as an emerging technology.
The Regulation does not apply to power-generating modules connected to the transmission and distribution systems that are not operated synchronously with either Continental Europe, Great Britain, Nordic, Ireland and Northern Ireland or Baltic synchronous area. This system shares the same utility frequency and is electrically tied together during normal system conditions.
The Regulation does not apply to power-generating modules that do not have a permanent connection point and are used by the system operators to temporarily provide power when normal system capacity is partly or completely unavailable.
Storage devices are not subject to the Regulation.