PC_2015_G_05 - Public Consultation on the Incremental Capacity Proposal and further NC CAM amendments

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​​​From 17 July to 31 August 2015, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) is running a public consultation on suggested amendments to the Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (Commission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013, hereinafter “NC CAM”), including the revised ENTSOG proposal for Incremental Capacity allocation and a change of the default auction calendar.

In order to submit its reasoned proposals for ame​​​​ndments to the European Commission (envisaged for October 2015), the Agency consults the amendment suggestions - in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 and Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 713/2009 - via the documents in the "Consultation documents" section.

The Agency invites all interested stakeholders to evaluate the text proposals of the Agency. Market participants are encouraged to express and justify their views on the envisaged changes to the network code by briefly answering the following questions:

  1. Do you support the changes suggested by the Agency on Incremental Capacity (new chapter IVa and related articles)? If not, please list which new or amended articles you disagree with and explain why.

  2. Do you support ENTSOG’s envisaged proposals to change the default auction calendar in relation to the discussions on the draft Network Code on Tariffs (i.e. to move the annual yearly capacity auctions from March to July, the annual quarterly auctions from June to August and the rolling monthly auctions’ start from the third to the second Monday of each month)? If not, please explain why.

  3. Do you support the further technical changes introduced (e.g. on the auction algorithms (Art. 17 (16) and Art. 18 (3d) & (9)); on the bundling of existing capacity (Art. 20(1); on the allocation of interruptible services (Art. 21(9)) etc.? If not, please list which amended articles you disagree with and explain why.

  4. Do you have any other comments related to the proposed NC CAM, changes, and if so which?

Please send your response to the four questions above to incremental@acer.europa.eu by 31 August 2015, 12:00 noon (CET).

Please do not forget to communicate the name and contact details of the responding person as well the name and type of the stakeholder organisation.

The stakeholder responses will be published on the Agency’s website. If you include commercially sensitive information in your reply, please also provide a non-confidential version for publication purposes.

Background information


On 26 December 2014, the Agency received ENTSOG’s NC CAM amendment proposal on Incremental capacity. The proposal was prepared during 2014 with active stakeholder involvement and is based on ACER’s Guidance paper issued on 2 December 2013. The aim of the amendment is to integrate the capacity allocation concept for incremental capacity into the NC CAM.

ACER ran a public consultation on the revised ENTSOG proposal for Incremental Capacity to amend NC CAM from 4 February to 4 March 2015. The stakeholder feedback has been thoroughly evaluated and has led to some revisions of the structure and content of the incremental capacity process (as compared to ENTSOG’s original submission and the previous ACER consultation document). ​

The new chapter IVa on the “Incremental Process” has been simplified and now consists of the following articles:

  • Article 20a: “Demand assessment”: start of demand assessment, TSOs’ cooperation, Market Demand Assessment Report.

  • Article 20b: “Design phase”: TSOs’ technical studies, public consultation, NRA approval.

  • Article 20c: “Auctioning of incremental capacity”: process of auction & bid revision.

  • Article 20d: “Principles of alternative capacity allocation mechanism”: alternative CAM and its prerequisites.

An overview of the incremental process and the default timeline is provided in the following illustration:slide.jpg

Consultation documents