PC_2021_G_05 Public Consultation on Capacity Offering and Use at the Gas Interconnection Points Located at the Borders of the EU and the Energy Community and within the Energy Community
The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Energy Community Secretariat (ECS) are running a public consultation concerning gas capacity on a number of interconnection points (IPs) on the borders of the EU and the Energy Community and within the Energy Community. The IPs for which the consultation is carried out are listed in Table 1 below (references to codes are generally those available in ENTSOG's map or used by the Energy Community).
The interconnection points between Poland and Ukraine were subject to Virtual Interconnection Point (VIP) GCP GAZ-SYSTEM / UA OSP.
Table 1: Physical interconnection points within the scope of the consultation
IP code | IP Name | Country 1 | Country 2 |
217 | Drozdovichi - Drozdowicze | Ukraine | Poland |
21Z000000000266H | Hermanowice | Poland | Ukraine |
218 | Uzhgorod / Velke Kapushany | Ukraine | Slovakia |
71 | Budince | Ukraine | Slovakia |
219 | Beregovo / Beredgaroc | Ukraine | Hungary |
229 | Beredgaroc / Beregovo | Hungary | Ukraine |
226 | Tekovo - Mediesu Aurit - | Ukraine | Romania |
21Z000000000304Z | Orlovka – Isaccea 1 | Ukraine | Romania |
21Z000000000305X | Orlovka – Isaccea 2 | Ukraine | Romania |
21Z000000000306V | Orlovka – Isaccea 3 | Ukraine | Romania |
21Z000000000151Y | Orlovka – Isaccea (import) | Ukraine | Romania |
21Z000000000182N | Oleksiivka | Ukraine | Moldova |
Ananiv | Ukraine | Moldova | |
Lymanske | Ukraine | Moldova | |
21Z000000000178E | Grebenyki | Ukraine | Moldova |
21Z000000000179C | Kaushany - Caushany | Ukraine | Moldova |
21Z000000000356G | Iasi - Ungheni | Romania | Moldova |
21Z000000000154S 48 | Kiskondorozsma - Horgos | Hungary | Serbia |
58Z-000000007-KZ | Kireevo / Zajecar | Bulgaria | Serbia |
50 | Kuystendil-Zidilovo | Bulgaria | North Macedonia |
49 | Loznica / Zvornik | Serbia | BiH |
By way of this consultation, ACER and the ECS seek to gain a firmer understanding of stakeholders' views on best practices in pursuit of enhancing connectivity, optimal use of existing capacity, market integration, and competition at the concerned IPs. ACER and ECS consult the market to better understand market needs and to learn about possible approaches to avoid network interruptions and to optimise in general terms the capacity availability at EU/ Energy Community IPs.
The questionnaire is framed to allow respondents to share their views on approaches ensuring the optimal use of capacity and secure and reliable flow of gas, whilst allowing for proper cooperation with regard to improving gas network services at the relevant IPs.
Input from the consultation will be used by ACER and ECS to derive and share possible best practices in view of achieving better functioning markets, efficient use of infrastructure and improved security of supply.
Replies to the consultation can be submitted by 30 June 2021 23:59 hrs (CET). Enter the Public Consultation.
Update 10/11/2021: ACER and the ECS analysed the responses received and published a summary of the consultation, including an evaluation of the responses.
Consultation documents
7 confidential responses
(in accordance with Article 9 of ACER’s Decision No 19/2019 concerning ACER’s Rules of Procedure)