ACER approves first third-party Registered Reporting Mechanisms and invites stakeholders to a workshop on REMIT implementation
The Agency has today approved the first five third-party Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRMs) under REMIT. RRMs can report records of transactions and orders to trade as well as fundamental data on behalf of a market participant directly to ACER. These can be organised market places, trade matching and trade reporting systems, including trade repositories, as well as the ENTSOs. The approved third-party RRMs have successfully passed all three RRM registration stages of identification, attestation and testing as stipulated in the RRM requirements.
A list of pre-registered third party RRMs for the first phase of reporting was already published in June for transparency reasons. That list will be updated as new third-party RRM applicants reach the final stages of their application process. There are currently 34 pre-registered RRM applicants listed. Additional third-party RRMs and more than 400 market participant RRMs are currently being processed in earlier registration phases.
Find the latest lists here.
The Agency also published today an updated XML schema (version 2) to report trades and orders to trade according to REMIT Table 1 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014. This was a result of fine-tuning the current schema version 1 to accommodate requests of organised market places. However, the Agency would like to stress that the publication of schema version 2 will not affect the use of the current schema (version 1) as any changes are minimal. This is why they will not have any impact on anyone who wants to use the current schema (version 1) for reporting as of 7 October 2015 since the new schema (version 2) will only extend the set of allowed values at the request of some reporting parties. Therefore the current schema (version 1) for the reporting of REMIT Table 1 will continue to be fully supported for the October go-live so that this fine-tuning will not have any impact on stakeholders’ ability to properly prepare for the go-live.
The schema is published as Annex V.I of the Manual of Procedures on transaction and fundamental data reporting here.
In the light of the REMIT reporting starting on 7 October, the Agency will organise a public workshop on REMIT implementation in Ljubljana on 8 September 2015. The following topics will be addressed and discussed during the workshop:
• Update on REMIT implementation and disclosure of inside information
• Registration of third-party Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRMs)
• REMIT Transaction reporting as of 7 October 2015
The Agency will invite third-party RRMs approved by 31 August 2015 to present themselves during the public workshop and will discuss potential remaining open issues on REMIT transaction reporting as of 7 October 2015 with stakeholder representatives in a panel discussion.
Access the programme and the registration form here.