
ACER to decide on ENTSO-E’s proposal for the Regional Coordination Centre Post-Operation and Post-Disturbances Analysis and Reporting Methodology

Electricity transmission pillars, electricity infrastructures

ACER to decide on ENTSO-E’s proposal for the Regional Coordination Centre Post-Operation and Post-Disturbances Analysis and Reporting Methodology

What is it about?

On 3 January 2022, the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) received a proposal from the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) regarding the Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) Post-Operation and Post-Disturbances Analysis and Reporting Methodology.

The Electricity Regulation lists the RCCs’ tasks and their roles. Among those tasks, the Regulation mandates the obligation for RCCs to carry out post-operation and post-disturbances analysis. The proposed methodology describes the RCC investigation, explains the data collection process, prescribes the work of the expert panel and guides the RCCs in preparing the post-disturbances report.

What are the next steps?

ACER will reach a decision on the proposal by 3 April 2022.

In order to inform its assessment, ACER invites interested third parties to submit their observations by 31 January 2022 to ACER-ELE-2022-001(at)acer.europa.eu.

Access the ACER Public Notice.

Access the ENTSO-E’s proposal on the RCC Post-Operation and Post-Disturbances Analysis and Reporting Methodology.