PC_2012_E_12 on ACER Guidance Note on Consultation

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Public Consultation on the Draft Guidance Note on Consultation

This public consultation concerns a note on how the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators intends to conduct its public consultations.

Pursuant to Article 10(1) of Regulation (EC) No 713/2009, the Agency, in carrying out its tasks, shall consult extensively and at an early stage with market participants, transmission system operators, consumers, end-users and, where relevant, competition authorities, without prejudice to their respective competence, in an open and transparent manner. In addition, several provisions of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009, Regulation (EC) No 715/2009, and Regulation (EC) No 1227/2011 provide for the conduct of public consultations on specific issues.

To clarify the process used to run those public consultations, the Agency prepared  a Draft Guidance Note on Consultation.

The public consultation on this Draft Guidance Note gives all interested parties an opportunity to provide their views on the Agency’s future public consultation policy.



Evaluation of responses and responses