PC_2012_E_13 - Public Consultation on Forward Risk Hedging Products & Harmonisation of Long Term Capacity Allocation rules
Policy area
Contact information
From 29 August 2012 to 28 October 2012 The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) is running a public consultation on Forward Risk Hedging Products & Harmonisation of Long Term Capacity Allocation rules.
This public consultation is being held in the context of the Electricity Regional Initiative. The invitation to respond to the Public Consultation and the Public Consultation document can be accessed through the document library below.
Consultation documents
Evaluation of responses and responses
- 120727 EAI Response to ACER Consultation on Forward Risk Hedging Products FINAL.pdf
- 121002_ACER_Long_Term_final.pdf
- 121026-ENTSO-E response to ACER Consultation on forward risk-hedging.pdf
- 121028 Forward hedging products and harmonisation.pdf
- 2012_10_26_CAO_Response_to_PC_2012_E_13_Consultation.pdf
- 20121011_AG_Comments_41_2012 ACER Forward Markets_20121025_AG.pdf
- 2012-10-19_ACER long term hedging_draft response.pdf
- 20121026 - swisselectric response consultation Forward Risk Hedging Products.pdf
- 2012-10-26 FINAL JPM Response_ACER Risk Hedging Products.pdf
- 20121028_ACER_Forward Consultation - EDF Response.pdf
- 2013_02_01_LTRTF_Evaluation_Of_Responses.pdf
- 280112 BritNed response - ACER Long-term capacity rights.pdf
- ACER consultation - Forward Risk-Hedging Products 3.0.pdf
- AIGET ACER LT capacity allocation.pdf
- Assoelettrica - ACER consultation Forward Risk Hedging Products.pdf
- E ON Forward hedging.pdf
- Edison response ACER consultation Forward Risk Hedging Products.pdf
- EFET Response to ACER Consultation on FCA_261012.pdf
- EFET Response to ACER Consultation on FCA_261012_revised.pdf
- Energy Norway forward hedging answer.pdf
- EURELECTRIC Response to ACER Cslt.pdf
- Fortums response to Forward Hedging.pdf
- Forward risk hedging_ACER.pdf
- Forward Risk-Hedging Products ACER okt 2012.pdf
- Forward Risk-Hedging.pdf
- GDF SUEZ_ACER_consult_forward_23102012.pdf
- Iberdrola_Comments_ ACER_LongTerm_TransmRights.pdf
- SSE response, Long-term capacity allocation.pdf
- Statkraft Response to ACER consultation on forward risk-hedging.pdf
- Swedenergy response to ACER consultation Forward Risk Hedging products.pdf