PC_2012_G_11 - Public Consultation on Transparency in Gas Markets
The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) organises from 31 July 2012 until 31 August 2012 a public consultation on the responses to the TSO questionnaires on compliance with the transparency requirements of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009.
This public consultation is held in the context of the Gas Regional Initiative and concerns respondents in countries outside the North West and South Gas Regions.
Public workshop
ACER will organise a workshop related to the Public Consultation on Transparency in Gas Markets in its premises in Ljubljana on 13 September 2012. Registration for this workshop will soon be available.
The outcome of the public consultation and the workshop will be used in the final assessment of transparency compliance, to be provided by ACER in the forthcoming Madrid Forum.
Consultation documents
Evaluation of responses and responses
- Evaliation of responses is not available
- Responses received