PC_2016_E_02 - Consultation on the definition of capacity calculation regions
On 17 May 2016, the Agency was informed by the responsible NRAs that, despite their best efforts, they could not reach a unanimous decision on the common proposal for capacity calculation regions (CCRs) developed by TSOs under Article 15(1) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management. The Agency was therefore asked to adopt a decision concerning this CCRs proposal in accordance with Article 9(11) of Regulation (EU) 2015/1222.
To take an informed decision on the CCRs proposal, the Agency seeks the comments of interested stakeholders on particular issues of the CCRs proposal, as well as their general comments regarding the elements of the CCRs proposal which were introduced after the public consultation held by ENTSO-E from 24 August to 25 September 2015. For this purpose, the
Agency is asking five questions.
All interested stakeholders are invited to submit their comments by 20 July 2016, 23.59 hrs (CET).
The Agency will consult the NRAs and the TSOs concerned pursuant to Article 8(1) of Regulation (EC) No 713/2009 separately.
Consultation documents
Errata Corrige: ‘Please note that in the corrected version the implementation date for the common flow-based capacity calculation methodology for the day-ahead timeframe has been corrected from Q1 2017 to Q1 2019.'
Evaluation of responses and responses
- AFEER.pdf
- American Chamber of Commerce in Romania.pdf
- Amprion.pdf
- ANRE.pdf
- Association for District Heating.pdf
- Austrian Federal Economic Chamber.pdf
- Austrian Power Grid.pdf
- BDEW.pdf
- CEZ.pdf
- Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.pdf
- Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency.pdf
- Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority.pdf
- Economic Chamber of Non-Ferrous Metals and Recycling.pdf
- E-Control.pdf
- EDF.pdf
- EFET.pdf
- Electricity Association of Ireland.pdf
- Enel.pdf
- Energy Agency.pdf
- Energy Community Secretariat.pdf
- Energy Regulatory Office (URE).pdf
- ENTSO-E.pdf
- ERU.pdf
- EXAA Engery Exchange Austria.pdf
- Federation of Austrian Industries.pdf
- Federation of Belgian Industrial Energy Consumers.pdf
- Forum of End-users of Electricity and Gas.pdf
- GEN-I.pdf
- Hrvatska elektroprivreda.pdf