PC_2016_R_01 - ACER launches Public Consultation on the European Register of Market Participants
The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (‘ACER’) is running a public consultation from 18 March 2015 to 22 April 2015 on the functioning and usefulness of the European Register of Market Participants (EREMP).
The published public consultation paper will serve two separate purposes: (i) the results may lead the Agency to update the Registration Format of EREMP; (ii) The responses will also provide the basis for a report that the Agency will submit to the European Commission, evaluating the functioning and usefulness of EREMP. The consultation paper can be downloaded here:
The Agency invites all interested parties to provide comments on the consultation paper, and particularly to reply to the questions listed in the paper, to the following email address:
Remit.PublicConsultations(at)acer.europa.eu by 22 April 2016, 12.00 noon, Central European Time.
- Comments will be particularly helpful to ACER if they:
- respond to the question posed;
- indicate the specific question to which the comment relates;
- contain a clear rationale;
- and describe any alternatives that ACER should consider.
The Agency will make public the number of responses received to this public consultation, the names of the respondents (except those with a valid reason for not having their identity disclosed), and all non-confidential responses. Please indicate clearly in your response to this public consultation any part you consider as confidential and do not wish to be publically disclosed. A standard confidentiality statement in an email message will not be treated as a confidentiality statement applicable for the relevant response.
Consultation documents
The consultation paper
The European register of market participants was first published on 17 March 2015 (available on the REMIT Portal) and has since been regularly updated. As of 17 March 2016, 7 384 market participants were registered in the European register of market participants.
The CEREMP platform became operational on 16 June 2014 and can be used by NRAs for the establishment of national registers of market participants. The CEREMP platform has been available more than 99% of the time since it became operational. Currently, 25 out of 29 NRAs use the platform to host their national registers of energy market participants.
The purpose of this public consultation is twofold:
Collect input from stakeholders regarding the European register of market participants with the perspective to improve the current Registration Format in light of the experience gained so far.
Collect input from stakeholders regarding the functioning and usefulness of the European register of market participants with the long term perspective of enhancing the overall transparency and integrity of wholesale energy markets and to ensure a Union-wide level playing field for market participants.

Based on the input received from the public consultation and on its assessment, the Agency may:
update the Registration Format adopted in ACER Decision n°01/2012. NRAs would then have to update their national registers accordingly. As a consequence, already registered market participants would be asked to update the concerned fields of the registration form, which they filled already with the relevant NRA at national level, in due time.
submit to the European Commission a report evaluating the functioning and usefulness of the European Register and, if required, propose solutions that can enhance the overall transparency and integrity of the wholesale energy markets while ensuring a Union-wide level playing field for market participants (as per Recital 21 of REMIT).
Evaluation of responses and responses
- Anigas and Assogas.pdf
- BASF - Belgium.pdf
- BASF 2.pdf
- BASF 3.pdf
- BDEW.pdf
- ČEZ.pdf
- ebIX.pdf
- EDF.pdf
- EFET.pdf
- ENAGAS.pdf
- Enel Group.pdf
- ENTSO-E.pdf
- ENTSOG.pdf
- Eurelectric.pdf
- Eurogas.pdf
- Europex.pdf
- IOGP.pdf
- Oesterreichs Energie.pdf
- Slovenské elektrárne.pdf
- South Hook Gas.pdf
- SPP.pdf