PC_2017_E_02 – Consultation on maximum and minimum clearing prices for single day-ahead and intraday coupling
As of August 2017 the Agency has become competent to decide on the proposals for maximum and minimum prices in single day-ahead and intraday coupling developed by all Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs).
In order to take an informed decision on these two proposals, the Agency seeks the comments of interested stakeholders on the Agency’s proposed amendments to the proposals, which intend to improve the compliance of the proposals with the EU Regulation on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management for electricity (CACM). Other comments on the proposals are also welcome.
All interested stakeholders are invited to submit their comments by
15 September 2017, 23.59 hrs (CET).
The decision on these proposals will be taken in accordance with the CACM Regulation.
Consultation documents
Evaluation of responses and responses
- No evaluation of responses available.
- 170915 Response ACM ACER consultation CACM_HMMP.pdf
- 170915_TSO answer to ACER consultation_final.pdf
- 2017 09 15 Réponse consultation ACER sur plafonds prix vF ENG.pdf
- 2017_09_14_Enel Response to ACER maximum and minimum clearing prices.pdf
- 2017_09_15_HMMP VIESGO_vdef_Redacted.pdf
- 2017-09 DE answer to ACER public consultation on price cap.pdf
- 20170911 Consultation on Clearing prices_Redacted.pdf
- 20170913_AG_Comments_ACER max-min-prices_20170915_Redacted.pdf
- 20170915_ACER consultation clearing prices - Iberdrola comments_Redacted.pdf
- 20170915_All NEMOs Response to ACER Consultation on CACM HMMP Methodology_final_Redacted.pdf
- 20170915_EPEX SPOT_ response_ACER_consultation_FINAL_Redacted.pdf
- ACER consultation on maximum and minimum clearing prices 4.0_Redacted.pdf
- ACER consults on the maximum and minimum prices in the day-ahead intraday coupling_Febeliec.pdf
- ACER MAX Pricing Consultation Answers.pdf
- ACER on Maximum and Minimum Clearing Prices_elfi.pdf
- ACER_maximum and minimum clearing prices_20170915_Redacted.pdf
- BDEW_STN ACER max_min_CP_MC_Redacted.pdf
- Cefic answers to consultation_Cefic.pdf
- Comments on the Maximum and minimum clearing prices for single day_jamtkraft.pdf
- Consultation answer HMMP Nordic NRAs_Energitilsynet.pdf
- Consultation on maximum and minimum clearing prices for single day-ahead and intraday coupling _Verbund.pdf
- Consultation on maximum and minimum clearing prices on wholesale electricity markets_plum energie.pdf
- Consultation PC_2017_E_02_HSE.pdf
- DIHK contribution PC_2017_E_02_Redacted.pdf
- EDF Group response_ACER consultation max-min clearing prices_vf_Redacted.pdf
- EFET_ACER consultation caps_15092017.pdf
- ENGIE answer acer price caps consultation.pdf
- E-NL response ACER min-max price limits_Redacted.pdf
- EURELECTRIC_ACER_Consultation_Maximum and minimum clearing prices for single day-ahead and intraday coupling_FINAL_Redacted.pdf
- Fortum response to ACER consultation 2017E02_Redacted.pdf