PC_2023_E_05 - Public Consultation on the ACER Decision on harmonised allocation rules for long-term electricity transmission rights

Policy area
Electricity, Forward capacity allocation
Contact information
Interested stakeholders in the EU and EEA

Contact information


Europe’s long-term electricity market relies on so-called long-term transmission rights (LTTRs), which allow market participants to hedge their exposure across bidding zones. The allocation of the LTTRs is currently not coordinated across different borders, which leads to inefficiencies in some capacity calculation regions (CCRs).

On 1 March 2023, ACER received the Transmission System Operators’ (TSOs’) proposal for the amendment of the Harmonised Allocation Rules (HAR) for long-term electricity transmission rights, mainly to allow for their long-term flow-based allocation. In addition to this proposal, all TSOs will submit to ACER their proposal for amending the HAR provisions on collaterals by 1 August 2023 (initially planned for 1 June 2023, but delayed due to TSOs conducting a new public consultation on their amendment proposal from 8 June to 8 July 2023).

Amending the rules will allow the implementation of two projects for long-term flow-based capacity calculation and allocation in the Core and the Nordic capacity calculation regions. The HAR revision is the final step needed for the implementation of these projects, following the approval of the single allocation platform, the congestion income distribution and sharing costs incurred to ensure firmness and remuneration of long-term transmission rights on 22 March 2023.

Public consultation ran from 29 August to 26 September 2023.

Why we are consulting

In order to make an informed and inclusive decision, ACER collected inputs from stakeholders.

Evaluation of responses

Next steps

A workshop was organised on 5 September 2023.

On 22 December 2023, with its Decision 18/2023, ACER approved the TSOs' proposal to amend the Harmonised Allocation Rules (HAR) for long-term electricity transmission rights.