PC_2024_G_09 - Public consultation on amending the network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems

Contact information
Earlier this year, the European Commission invited ACER to initiate the revision process of the Capacity Allocation Mechanisms Network Code (CAM NC) in accordance with the Gas and ACER Regulations. This process includes an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders throughout 2024 and will conclude with ACER recommending amendments to the European Commission, which is responsible to amend the CAM NC, by the end of the year.
Why we are consulting
As part of its initial analysis, ACER had several interactions with stakeholders (from October 2023 to January 2024) to assess the CAM NC’s achievements, as well as to identify areas of improvement (see the scoping consultation and the workshop).
Building on this work and considering new regulatory elements introduced by the hydrogen and gas decarbonisation package, ACER developed a policy paper outlining potential improvements to the CAM NC and organised a first public consultation to gather stakeholders’ feedback on the paper and practical proposals to improve the network code. To further investigate the inputs received, ACER also organised a technical workshop (in July 2024) inviting consultation respondents to discuss the proposed revisions in greater detail.
Based on this feedback, ACER is now preparing its amendment proposals to improve the CAM NC. To ensure the proposed amendments effectively address market needs and deliver the expected improvements, ACER is running a final public consultation from 26 September to 25 October.
Consultation documents
ACER received responses from the following organisations:
BBL Company VOF (BBLC)
BDEW - German Association of Energy and Water Industries
Edison SPA
Energy Traders Europe
Eni S.p.A.
European Energy Exchange (EEX)
FGSZ Natural Gas Transmission
FNB Gas e.V.
Gas Connect Austria GmbH
Gasunie Transport Services B.V.
Interconnector Ltd
National Gas Transmission
OMV Gas Marketing & Trading GmbH
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. (GAZ-SYSTEM)
Orlen S.A.
PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH (PRISMA)
REN Gasodutos, SA
RWE Supply & Trading
SEFE Marketing & Trading
Uniper Global Commodities SE
Next steps
The CAM NC revision process will conclude with ACER’s recommendations to the Commission (expected by December 2024), which is responsible for revising the network code.