Designation of NEMOs
Designation of Nominated Electricity Market Operators
Articles 4, 5 and 6 of CACM Regulation determine the designation of Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs). Each Member State needs ensure that at least one NEMOs is designated in each Member State to perform the single day-ahead and single intraday coupling. Each NEMO designated in a territory of one Member State has the right to provide its services in other Member States (i.e. by way of so called “passporting") Exceptionally Member States may refuse the trading services by a NEMO designated in another Member State only in specific, well-defined cases, as stated in Article 4(6) of the CACM Regulation. Moreover, the Member States have the right to revoke the designation of a NEMO, in case the NEMO fails to maintain compliance with the criteria set in Article 6 of the CACM Regulation.