External monitoring

External monitoring

European report by ENTSO-E on integration of balancing markets


Pursuant to Article 59(1) of EB Regulation, ENTSO-E shall publish a European report focusing on monitoring, describing and analysing the implementation of EB Regulation, as well as reporting on the progress made concerning the integration of balancing markets in Europe.

The format of the report shall vary as follow:

(a) two years after entry into force of this Regulation and subsequently every second year a detailed report shall be published;

(b) three years after entry into force of this Regulation and subsequently every second year a shorter version of the report shall be published to review the progress made and update the performance indicators.

No actions have been completed yet with regard to this topic.​

External monitoring

TSOs' reports on balancing

Pursuant to Article 60 of EB Regulation, at least once every two years, each TSO shall publish a report on balancing covering the previous two calendar years, which shall either be in English or at least contain an executive summary in English. The Agency plans to gather and publish these reports.

No actions have been completed yet with regard to this topic.​