ACER calls for amendments of the Network Code on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management for Electricity
On 19 December 2012, ACER issued its Opinion on the Network Code on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management for Electricity (CACM). ACER welcomes the significant effort of ENTSO-E to define requirements and responsibilities of TSOs and other entities performing functions within coordinated capacity calculation, allocation and congestion management for the day ahead and intraday timeframe. ACER also commends the stakeholders’ engagement by ENTSO-E in the preparation of this Network Code. However, in its opinion, ACER highlights a few areas where the Network Code does not fully comply with the respective Framework Guidelines. As this Network Code is pivotal to the completion and functioning of the Internal Energy Market, ACER invites ENTSO-E to address the concerns raised in the opinion and to submit a revised Network Code to ACER as soon as possible.