ACER calls Ukrainian graduates to apply to its traineeship positions: three places available

ACER calls Ukrainian graduates to apply to its traineeship positions: three places available
What is it about?
The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) is offering three Ukrainian graduates the possibility to join its Traineeship Programme, with the aim of supporting their professional development.
ACER’s Traineeship Programme allows university graduates to develop professionally through an enriching experience in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Normally only open to European Economic Area (EEA) graduates, ACER has opened up three traineeship positions for Ukrainian nationals.
What does the traineeship look like?
Trainees have the opportunity to work in one of ACER’s work areas such as:
Market Analysis
Gas Security of Supply
System Operation and Grid Connection
Regulation on Electricity Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) Policy
Trainees will be recruited for 6 months, which can be extended for an additional 6 months (one year maximum). The start of the traineeship period is subject to the selected candidate’s availability, as well as to the needs of the relevant ACER department.
The traineeship will take place at ACER premises, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. However, in line with the current rules on teleworking, trainees and other staff are allowed to telework up to a maximum of 60% of their working time.
Trainees not receiving a salary, scholarship or other form of financial support are provided with a monthly grant of € 1,265.36.
Trainees can also be awarded some additional contributions, as specified below.
Reimbursement of travel costs
Those whose place of recruitment is further than 200 km from Ljubljana receive the reimbursement of travel expenses incurred at arrival and departure.
The reimbursement of travel costs for trainees who have their residence outside the territories of the European Union, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein will be calculated based on the geographical distance between Ljubljana and Brussels.
Reimbursement of public transport costs
Costs of public transport (within Ljubljana) used to reach the office are covered at the end of each month.
Coverage of insurance sickness scheme
In exceptional circumstances, ACER will cover the costs of a sickness insurance scheme for the trainee.
Am I eligible?
You are eligible to apply to join ACER’s Traineeship Programme if, by the start of the traineeship period:
You have B2 language skills in English.
You have completed your university studies for a duration of 3 years or more.
- You have not been engaged for more than 6 weeks in any kind of employment or traineeship within a European Institution, Agency, or Body. Please refer to Annex I. A of the Rules for the complete list of these organisations.
How can I apply?
You can apply by sending the completed Application Form to the mailbox hr-info(at) including in the subject line “TRAINEESHIP UA”.
Please clearly indicate in the form the areas of interest you are applying for. You can do so by choosing 2 profiles, in order of preference, from the following ones:
Press and Communications
Human Resources
Market Analysis
Data Analysis
Gas Security of Supply
System Operation and Grid Connection
Regulation on Electricity Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) Policy
Do not forget to include a copy of your diploma or other official documents from your university proving the completion of your studies.
What are the steps in the selection process?
1. Candidates can apply by sending an e-mail to hr-info(at) containing the following attachments:
- Application form (where 2 profiles of interest are indicated in order of preference);
- Copi(es) of their diploma(s).
Candidates can update or withdraw their applications at any time until the closure of the Call.
2. Applications are screened against the eligibility criteria defined in the Traineeship Call. All applications will be retained for the entire duration of the open call.
3. Eligible candidates will be screened by ACER's departments, considering the candidates' preferences indicated in the application and their competencies.
4. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted, in line with the order of preference emerging during the screening conducted by ACER’s departments. Prior to the final selection decision, candidates may be requested to undergo a further assessment (e.g. via phone/video-call) to evaluate their suitability for the role and discuss mutual expectations.
5. Successful candidates will receive a Traineeship offer, stating the starting date, the Department in which they will be placed, and the duration of the traineeship.
6. After the offer letter is signed, candidates will be asked to submit a list of relevant documents before the start date.
7. On the first day of their traineeship period and prior to the submission of all required documents, candidates sign the Traineeship Agreement and the relevant annexes.
Where can I find out more about it?
Learn more about the traineeship conditions, the application and selection procedure by consulting:
If you have any questions regarding the new opportunities offered within ACER Traineeship Programme, please contact us at HR-info(at) with the following subject line: TRAINEESHIP UA.