
ACER consults on the amended statutory documents of ENTSO-E

Discussing electricity

ACER consults on the amended statutory documents of ENTSO-E

What is it about?

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) launches today a consultation on amended statutory documents of the European Network of Transmission System O​perators for Electricity (ENTSO-E)​.

ENTSO-E, having its seat in Brussels, Belgium, has amended its statutory documents (Articles of Association and Internal Rules), primarily with a view to ensure compliance with the new Belgian Code of Companies and Associations as regards transparency towards shareholders by ensuring publicity of provisions affecting members' rights.

The amended statutory documents of ENTSO-E and submitted to ACER for opinion, consist of:

  • Articles of Association as amended
  • Internal Rules as amended

To issue an informed opinion, ACER seeks views from the organisations representing all stakeholders, in particular system users, including consumers until 12 April.

Access the consultation.