
ACER consults on the statutory documents of the new EU DSO entity


​​The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) launches today a consultation on the statutory documents of a new European body, the EU DSO entity.

As an expert body working in the interest of the European Union, the EU DSO entity is expected to cooperate closely with transmission system operators and ENTSO-E, amongst others when network codes touching upon distribution matters are being prepared or implemented. The cooperation and expertise provided by the new entity should increase efficiencies in the European electricity distribution networks.

The statutory documents of the new EU DSO entity, developed by the four European DSO associations (CEDEC, E.DSO, Eurelectric and GEODE) and submitted to ACER for opinion, consist of:

  • The draft statutes,
  • A code of conduct,
  • A list of potential members, and
  • The draft rules of procedure, including rules of procedure on consultations.

To issue an informed opinion, ACER seeks views from the organisations representing all stakeholders, in particular distribution system users, during a two-week consultation, until 27 July 2020.

Access the ​Image removed.consultation.