
ACER consults on updating the grid connection network codes to cover e-mobility and storage

electric vehicles and charging point

ACER consults on updating the grid connection network codes to cover e-mobility and storage

What is it about?

ACER launches today a public consultation inviting stakeholders to submit their proposals for amendments to the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators, and the Network Code on Demand Connection.

The aim is to update the network codes to further support the EU power grid embracing emerging developments such as e-mobility, storage and energy communities.

The European Commission invited ACER to initiate the process to amend the existing EU network codes. ACER published a draft Policy Paper in May 2022 and gathered initial feedback from stakeholders during a public workshop and a public consultation in June 2022 (access the responses of the June 2022 public consultation in the Evaluation of Responses Report).

The public consultation runs from 26 September until 21 November 2022.

Policy Paper on the amendments to the grid connection network codes

ACER sets out in its Policy Paper published today potential ways to improve the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators and the Network Code on Demand Connection.

The ACER Policy Paper on Grid Connection Network Codes reflects ACER’s conclusions on possible amendments to the grid connection network codes following input received from stakeholders during the summer 2022.

The Policy Paper addresses potential amendments to the European network codes concerning:

  • technical requirements for electrical charging points and electric vehicles (EVs);
  • requirements for mixed customer sites (MCSs), active customers and energy communities;
  • significant modernisation of system users’ facilities and equipment;
  • grids with significant distributed energy resources (DER) and converter-based technologies; and
  • generators’ resilience to weather hazards.

Next steps

A public workshop on the amendment to the grid connection network codes will be held on 25 October.

Following this process, ACER plans to submit to the European Commission its proposed amendments to the grid connection network codes by the end of 2023.

timeline of grid connection network codes amendment process

Access the Policy Paper.

Access the public consultation.

Access the public workshop.