
ACER to decide on ENTSO-E’s European Resource Adequacy Assessment (2022)

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ACER to decide on ENTSO-E’s European Resource Adequacy Assessment (2022)

What is it about?

On 30 November 2022, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) submitted to the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) its proposal for the European Resource Adequacy Assessment (ERAA 2022). The assessment is mandated by the Clean Energy Package legislation and its purpose is to monitor the risks to security of electricity supply and identify adequacy concerns up to 10 years ahead.​​​

Following the approval of the ERAA methodology by ACER in October 2020, ENTSO-E needs to carry out an annual ERAA to assess whether the EU has sufficient electricity resources to meet its future demand.

Member States set their own electricity reliability standard that indicates their necessary level of security of electricity supply.

By comparing these results, ERAA aims to identify potential resource adequacy concerns in the EU and provide an objective basis for assessing the need for additional national measures ensuring security of electricity supply such as the introduction of temporary capacity mechanisms.

What are the next steps?

ACER has 3 months, until 28 February 2023, to reach a decision on ERAA 2022. Given this short timeline, ACER is not going to carry out a public consultation. However, interested third parties may submit observations on ERAA 2022 to ACER-ELE-2022-21(at)acer.europa.eu.

Deadline for submitting observations is 30 December 2022.

Access the related ACER public notice, including instructions for submitting any observations.