ACER to decide on methodologies related to long-term cross-zonal electricity capacity in two regions
The National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) for energy in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden (the Baltic capacity calculation region) asked the Agency to decide on a common methodology for calculating long-term cross-zonal capacity. Similarly, the NRAs of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania (the South East Europe Region) asked the Agency to decide on a common methodology to split long-term cross-zonal electricity capacity.
Both methodologies will contribute to enhance a coordinated use of long-term cross-border capacity in the Baltic and the South East Europe capacity calculation regions, fostering the security of regional supply.
The Agency must reach a decision on the Baltic Region before 18 November 2020, and by 28 November on the South East Europe region. The Agency will publicly consult on the respective decisions in August.