ACER has decided on the Regional Coordination Centre post-operation and post-disturbances analysis and reporting methodology
ACER has decided on the Regional Coordination Centre post-operation and post-disturbances analysis and reporting methodology
What is it about?
The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators has decided on the Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) post-operation and post-disturbances analysis and reporting methodology.
What are the Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs)?
The Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) are established by the Electricity Regulation and replace the regional security coordinators (RSCs) foreseen by the System Operation Guideline. RCCs cover the tasks carried out by RSCs as well as additional system operation, market related and risk preparedness tasks.
Their tasks include:
supporting the consistency assessment of transmission system operators' defence and restoration plans,
carrying out regional outage planning coordination,
carrying out post-operation and post-disturbances analysis, and
training and certification of staff working for RCCs.
In performing their tasks, RCCs contribute to the achievement of the 2030 and 2050 objectives set by the climate and energy policy frameworks (particularly in relation to fostering security of supply and efficiency, as well as increasing the electrification of the energy sector).
Given the entering into force of operation of RCCs this year, ACER needs to adopt various methodologies related to their different tasks.
What is the methodology about?
In particular, the Regional Coordination Centre post-operation and post-disturbances analysis and reporting methodology was adopted by ACER following the assessment of the proposal submitted by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) to ACER in January 2022.
This methodology:
prescribes the preconditions for launching the RCC investigation,
explains the data collection process,
sets the work of the expert panel and the RCC investigation subgroup (which analyses the incidents related to the RCC tasks), and
guides the RCCs in preparing the post-disturbances reports.
How did ACER contribute?
ACER reviewed ENTSO-E’s proposal and ensured that the decision is in line with the objectives of the Electricity Regulation and fulfils its legal obligations.
Access ACER’s Decision 04-2022.