
ACER opens a public consultation on trade reporting under REMIT

ACER launched today a public consultation on ACER’s Trade Reporting User Manual (TRUM) for trade reporting under REMIT.   The Agency welcomes comments, in particular related to the consultation issues listed in this consultation paper, by 5 May 2014 12.00 noon, Central European Time, to be sent to Remit.PublicConsultations@acer.europa.eu. In order to ensure transparency and full involvement of stakeholders, the Agency will organise a public workshop in Ljubljana on 3 April 2014, from 12.00 to 16.00, to collect stakeholders’ views on the public consultation document.   The draft Implementing Acts presented by the Commission in October 2013 provided that the Agency shall explain the details of the reportable trade information under REMIT in a user manual. On this basis, the Agency is currently preparing the Manual.  This public consultation paper is intended to collect views from all parties interested in the implementation of REMIT, including market participants, organised market places, etc. Please note that the draft TRUM is based on the data fields which the Agency currently expects for the Commission’s draft Implementing Acts.