
ACER organises a workshop on the Network Code on Operational Planning and Scheduling

On 29 March 2013, the Agency received ENTSO-E Network Code on Operational Planning and Scheduling, including its supporting document. Pursuant to Article 6(7) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009, ACER shall provide a reasoned opinion on the network code within a period of three months. This opinion shall assess the compliance of the network code with the Framework Guidelines on Electricity System Operation adopted by the Agency on 2 December 2011.   In order to ensure transparency and full involvement of stakeholders as early as possible in the process, the Agency organises a workshop in Ljubljana on 26 April 2013, from 12.00 to 16.30, to collect stakeholders’ views on the Network Code on Operational Planning and Scheduling and its supporting document.   Stakeholders who wish to attend the workshop are kindly requested to register as soon as possible and no later than noon, 18 April 2013.   This workshop shall give the opportunity for European-wide associations representing members who have a direct stake in the context of the Network Code on Operational Planning and Scheduling to present their views on this network code and its supporting document. More information for European-wide associations wishing to participate to the workshop and provide a presentation may be found here. Those associations are kindly requested to send us an email for participation to Operational_Planning_and_Scheduling_NC@acer.europa.eu as soon as possible and no later than noon, 18 April 2013.   A workshop programme will be available online as soon as possible. Please consult ACER web page from time to time to get the latest updates.