
ACER: progress in ENTSOG’s gas network development plan; further improvements needed

ACER has recently published its Opinion on the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG)’s draft Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) for 2018. The Agency welcomes the various improvements included in this Plan in comparison to previous editions, and finds that it contributes to the principles of non-discrimination, effective competition, and secure functioning of the gas market.

However, the Agency notes that the Plan may not sufficiently contribute to the efficient functioning of the system. In particular, the TYNDP shortcomings are related to the quality and the implementation of the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) methodology, the insufficient analysis of the existing and forecasted use of gas infrastructure, and the inclusion in the plan of a broad portfolio of projects which clearly exceeds the reasonable needs.
The Agency encourages ENTSOG to carefully consider the Opinion and implement the Agency’s “short-term” recommendations when finalising the TYNDP 2018. The Agency expects ENTSOG to start working on implementing the Agency’s “long-term” recommendations, for full application in the next TYNDP 2020.
Access a summary of recommendations and background Image removed.here.​Access the Opinion Image removed.here.