ACER publishes a note on the common approach to monitor the capacity available for cross-zonal electricity trade

ACER publishes a note on the common approach to monitor the capacity available for cross-zonal electricity trade
What is it about?
The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and its National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) publish today a practical note on how to monitor the capacity available for cross-zonal electricity trade in a harmonised way, in view of the minimum 70% target.
What is the minimum 70% target?
The Clean Energy Package has set a binding minimum 70% target for electricity interconnector capacity to be available for cross-zonal trading (the “minimum 70% target”).
It applies since 1 January 2020 and requires Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to offer 70% of their capacity available for cross-zonal trading. Member States may adopt transitory measures to reach the target gradually by the end of 2025.
Maximising cross-zonal trading opportunities is key to ensure an efficient internal electricity market.
What is the purpose of this note?
ACER and the NRAs jointly developed a common approach to monitor the margin available for cross-zonal trade. The note aims to:
align as much as possible the principles used to monitor cross-zonal capacity across the EU,
provide more transparency to market participants on how NRAs will assess compliance with the minimum 70% target. The note also details the list of deviations from the common approach in specific Member States.
Read more on the practical note.
Access the past editions of ACER’s reports monitoring the 70% minimum target.