The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) publishes today three decisions in line with the EU Regulation establishing a Guideline on Electricity Balancing, harmonising the imbalance settlement and fostering a single EU balancing market.
- The first decision concerns the methodology for classifying the activation purposes of balancing energy bids. The methodology provides the description and rules for all possible activation purposes, providing the same level of transparency when activating balancing energy bids across Europe.
- The second establishes the methodology for Transmission System Operators (TSOs)' common settlement rules for all intended exchanges. This should ensure the pricing principles for the settlement between balancing service providers and TSOs are also respected among TSOs.
- The third decides on the methodology to further specify and harmonise the imbalance settlement. The imbalance settlement ensures the costs of any shortage or surplus of electricity, bought or sold as balancing energy by each TSO, is allocated to the market participants that caused the imbalance. In case of a surplus, the market participant that supports the system should receive a payment. The new methodology ensures a consistent application of the imbalance settlement process across Member States. Applying these rules across Europe ensures that market participants are incentivised to deliver on the electricity they have bought or sold. This increases the overall efficiency of the electricity system to the benefit of the end consumers.
Access the Decisions.