
ACER recommends the adoption of the Network Code on Load-Frequency Control and Reserves

  On 26 September, ACER adopted its opinion and also a recommendation on the Network Code on Load-Frequency Control and Reserves. ACER acknowledges that the Network Code is in line with the Framework Guidelines on Electricity System Operation, and the objectives stated therein, and thus recommends its adoption by the European Commission.   ACER still flags a few areas in which the Network Code could be clarified, namely the competence and involvement of national regulatory authorities and/or other relevant national authorities, the provision of full activation of continuous FCR for a minimum time period of 30 minutes and the sharing of FCR. Since these clarifications do not affect the compliance with the Framework Guidelines on Electricity System Operation, ACER advocates that they are addressed by the European Commission when adopting the Network Code. Find related documents here.   In order to inform the drafting of the opinion and recommendation on the Network Code on Load-Frequency Control and Reserves as well as to ensure transparency and involvement of stakeholders, the Agency invited all interested stakeholders to express in writing their views on this Network Code. Views from 14 stakeholders were received between 1 July and 8 August 2013. Find related documents here.