
ACER recommends the amended Network Code on Gas Balancing for adoption

On the 25 March 2013, the Agency recommended the revised Network Code on Gas Balancing in Transmission Systems to the European Commission for adoption in comitology procedure. The revised network code is in close conformity with the Framework Guidelines and the Reasoned Opinion of the Agency. The implementation of new gas balancing rules especially with regard to TSOs’ and network users’ shared balancing responsibilities and the new provisions on nominations, re-nominations, imbalance charges, within-day obligations and information provision will facilitate cross-border gas trade as well as contribute to the development of a competitive and efficient gas wholesale market in Europe. ENTSOG resubmitted the amended Network Code to the Agency on 21 February 2013 and accompanied the code with an explanatory document concerning the amendments made. You can find additional information on gas balancing in transmission networks here.