
ACER rejects the long-term capacity calculation methodology for the Baltic Capacity Calculation Region


Baltic TSOs should resubmit a new proposal at the latest 24 months after this decision

​​​​​The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) published today its ​Decision on the rejection of the capacity calculation methodology for the long-term timeframe of the Baltic capacity calculation region (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland and Sweden) in accordance with Article 10 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1719 establishing a Guideline on Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA Regulation).

In May 2020, ACER was informed by the regulatory authorities of the Baltic capacity calculation region (CCR) that they could not agree on the proposal made by the Nordic Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for a capacity calculation methodology for the long-term timeframe, and is therefore competent to decide on this proposal.

ACER has decided to reject the proposal and to request the Baltic TSOs to resubmit a new one at the latest 24 months after its decision. The main reason for this rejection is that ACER is not able to revise the Baltic TSOs' proposal to make it compliant with the​​ FCA Regulation given the number and complexity of issues related to the upcoming synchronisation of the Baltic synchronous area with the Continental synchronous area.

Read more on ACER Decision No 27/2020. ​