ACER updates its guidance documents on REMIT and LNG data reporting to align them with the revised Regulation

ACER updates its guidance documents on REMIT and LNG data reporting to align them with the revised Regulation
What is it about?
The EU framework that aims to prevent wholesale energy market abuse and support fair competition (REMIT) was revised in May 2024 to keep pace with evolving market dynamics. Following the ongoing discussions with relevant stakeholders after the adoption of the revised REMIT, ACER publishes today the updated:
- Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM) and its Annexes; and
- Guidance on reporting LNG market data.
These guidance documents help market participants with their data reporting obligations.
ACER has also released the minutes of the November roundtable meeting on data reporting.
What’s new in these ACER guidance documents?
- TRUM and its Annexes: the amendments mainly focus on clarifying the definition of Organised Marketplaces (OMPs), outlining their criteria and characteristics. This update aligns TRUM with the revised REMIT and aims to create a consistent understanding to help market participants, regulators, and other stakeholders identify and assess OMPs.
- Guidance on reporting LNG market data: the update aligns the legal references of the document with the revised REMIT, which now includes the collection of LNG market data for the publication of ACER’s daily LNG price assessment and benchmark.
The updated TRUM and its Annexes are available in the REMIT Knowledge Base.
What was the roundtable meeting about?
On 26 and 28 November 2024, ACER organised a roundtable meeting on data reporting.
The event featured a joint session with the European Commission and gathered Associations of Energy Market Participants (AEMPs), OMPs, Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRMs) and Inside Information Platforms (IIPs) to discuss the upcoming revision of the REMIT Implementing Regulation and other changes introduced by the updated REMIT. Stakeholders also received updates on the REMIT data reporting framework, including the TRUM.