
ACER’s 2015 Work Programme available online

ACER’s Work Programme for 2015, approved by the Board of Regulators and adopted by the Agency’s Administrative Board on 1 December, is now available online. It focuses on the challenges ahead to ensure a well-functioning, competitive, secure, sustainable and transparent EU-wide energy market.

The structure of the document has been aligned to the format of the Single Programming Document for EU Agencies. One of the major novelties is the introduction of a multiannual outlook for the 2015 – 2017 period. It focuses on the objectives in the four main areas on which the Agency expects to concentrate its activities: the (post-2014) completion of the IEM, the infrastructure challenge, the monitoring of wholesale energy markets and the longer-term regulatory challenges.
The above areas, aimed at delivering tangible benefits to European energy consumers by ensuring more choice and better prices, will guide the Agency’s work also in 2015. The Agency’s greatest challenge will be the launching of the new, unprecedented and sector-specific energy market monitoring framework mandated by the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Markets Integrity and Transparency (REMIT).
The 2015 Work Programme was adopted in line with the estimate of expenditure approved by the Administrative Board in March 2014, with a supportive opinion by the Board of Regulators, and without prejudice to the annual budgetary procedure.