ACER’s Work Programme for 2016, approved by the Board of Regulators and adopted by the Agency’s Administrative Board on 30 September, is now available online.
The document is structured in line with the format of the Single Programming Document for EU Agencies. The Agency’s multiannual outlook for the 2015 – 2018 period has been updated but remains substantially unchanged compared to last year. It focuses on the four main areas on which the Agency expects to concentrate its activities: the (post-2014) completion of the IEM, the infrastructure challenge, the monitoring of wholesale energy markets and the longer-term regulatory challenges. The above areas will guide the Agency’s work also in 2016.
In terms of complexity of the challenge ahead, the implementation of the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) deserves a special mention. In 2016 the implementation of REMIT’s monitoring framework will be completed. As of October 2015, the Agency will actively monitor trading in EU wholesale energy markets on the basis of the reported trade and fundamental data and using the purposely developed surveillance platform. This is a formidable task, both because it is unprecedented at the EU level and because the effectiveness with which the Agency will be able to perform this activity will crucially depend on it being assigned the significant additional resources that it has been requesting since 2014.
The 2016 Work Programme was adopted in line with the estimate of expenditure approved by the Administrative Board in March 2015, with a supportive opinion by the Board of Regulators, and without prejudice to the annual budgetary procedure.
Access all the work programmes of the Agency here.