ACER’s preliminary report on the effects of the gas market correction mechanism

ACER’s preliminary report on the effects of the gas market correction mechanism
What is it about?
Today, ACER publishes its preliminary report on the effects of the Market Correction Mechanism (MCM) on energy markets and security of supply.
Background to the Market Correction Mechanism
The recently adopted MCM Regulation establishes a MCM to protect citizens and the economy against excessively high gas prices.
The MCM sets a bidding limit on certain financial derivatives traded at EU exchanges with the aim of limiting EU gas prices. This bidding limit is triggered when specific conditions are met.
The Regulation tasks ACER and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) with publishing a report (by 1 March 2023) to assess the market effects resulting from the introduction of the MCM, and a preliminary report by 23 January 2023.
ESMA also published their preliminary report today.
MCM has not had an impact on EU gas markets to date
So far, ACER has not identified significant impacts (positive or negative) that could be unequivocally and directly attributed to the adoption of the MCM Regulation itself. Its entry into force coincided with a time when prices were significantly lower compared, notably, to the second half of 2022. ACER cannot conclude that these market dynamics in the first weeks of 2023 are a direct or indirect effect of the approval of the MCM Regulation.
However, this does not preclude any impact on financial and energy markets in the future. Hence, both Agencies are proposing indicators to continue monitoring market developments and help detect potential future impacts of the MCM.
ACER welcomes feedback on the MCM indicators
In its preliminary report, ACER proposes to use eleven market indicators in its final effects report due on 1 March 2023. These indicators cover across three areas: prices, flows and trades.
ACER welcomes stakeholder feedback on these indicators, and in particular on the following questions:
- Are there any potential effects that could be triggered by the MCM, and early warning signs that should be monitored, that have not been identified in this ACER report?
- Are there any indicators that you consider relevant for assessing the effects of the MCM that have not been discussed in this ACER report?
- Are there any other points which you consider relevant to improve the ACER report on the effects assessment of the MCM that is due on 1 March?
Interested parties should send their feedback on the indicators by Monday, 6 February 2023, to
See the ACER preliminary report and the ESMA preliminary report.