Call for experts: ACER expert group on demand side flexibility
What is it about?
The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) launches today a call for a new consultative expert group on demand side flexibility. The group will advise the Agency on topics related to the Regulation on the internal market for electricity and specifically on demand side flexibility.
The scope of the Expert Group
The group will focus on providing advice on demand side flexibility subjects, including rules on aggregation, energy storage and other provisions. In providing advice, experts can explore various topics such as product(s) provided by distributed energy resources to Transmission System Operators and/or Distribution System Operators, investigating the coordination options between them, as well as distributed energy resources’ access to wholesale markets.
The group may also be called on to provide advice for amendments to existing network codes and guidelines, as well as for developing new framework guidelines, or to submit opinions on any other issue related to ACER’s tasks in the demand side flexibility domain.
Would you like to find out more?
More information on the application process, the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure can be found in the Open Letter.
Apply by Monday 26th July 2021.